Looking for answers to life's questions

My daughter and I had a girl’s day hanging out in our favorite metaphysical bookstore last Saturday. New Renaissance is located in downtown Portland, Oregon. Or is it uptown? We could spend days there but that would be a very expensive venture.

We started out spending some time with one of their readers, just for some fun. Don’t go shaking your heads now. I take everything with a grain of salt but this young lady was pretty good for someone so young. My daughter and I had plenty to giggle about and that was well worth it.

As I perused the books for a few moments before we headed out for linner, (lunch/dinner) a book jumped off the shelf at me. Now I don’t need another book, but this one was insistent. I certainly didn’t need another writing book as I have a minimum of 108. I’m a little slow to learn.

This is my combination so far.

This is my combination so far.

I also picked up the book written by the woman who was giving the evening seminar we were to attend, “Intuitive Healing” by Marie Manuchehri. I had hoped to have it autographed. There were too many people waiting so we gave up and called it a night after the seminar. Yes I’m a bit out there. I’m sure this was not your first clue. You have to cut me a little slack here.

February 11 marks a full three years with the debilitating remnants of Bells Palsy. I’m looking for answers everywhere and anywhere. It should have been gone by now. There has to be a reason it’s not, so the search is still on.
I tend to absorb books more than read them. Like this writing book which has stayed by my side since the first moment I opened it. It combines my primary interests; writing, healing and spirituality.

By the time I read to page three of the first chapter, I was moved to tears. Janet Conner writes of her Covenant. They are vows to herself that she will not break. I’m hoping for some changes in my writing as has felt a bit stilted and shallow. I have waited to post anything because I didn’t like anything I wrote.

It brought me back to my practice of morning pages that Julia Cameron writes about in “The Artist’s Way”. I actually took a 12 week workshop on it doing one chapter at a time. My copies of Julia Cameron’s books are unfortunately still in boxes in the garage.

artistsway (2)

Writing is the most healing thing I have done. When I read Louise Hay’s book, “You Can Heal Your Life” it said that Bells Palsy was a manifestation of extreme control over anger and unwillingness to express feelings. Yup, that was me, the people pleaser. So paper is where I blow off steam and process loss. It’s less messy. Right now, I have nothing left to be angry about. Not even Bells Palsy. It was a gift. I’m hoping to get more from this book and others. It seems to be what I have to do at this moment in time.

I have 3 copies of this well worn book.

I have 3 copies of this well worn book.

Do you have any books that helped you with your writing or your life that I may not have heard of yet? I obviously have nothing but time right now.

“Grace strikes us when we are in great pain and restlessness. . . .Sometimes at that moment a wave of light breaks into our darkness, and it is as though a voice were saying: You are accepted.” Paul Johannes Tillich

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of the Combination" (17)

  1. There have been in my life many life changes. One of them was reading You can heal your life.


    • I even have a copy on my phone kindle. In case someone has a question. I’m directing my writing more in this direction. It’s a requirement for wellness.


  2. I too read You Can Heal Your Life which helped me through many things I hadn’t dealt with yet at that point. I also enjoy Mona Lisa Schultz who writes from a medical point of view which I find very interesting, how each organ or part of your body corresponds to which parts of our lives needs attention to heal.


    • I had a reading with Dr. Mona Lisa in March after becoming so ill. No one had seen a case like mine and I was a bit frightened. Dr. Mona let me know in no uncertain terms that if I didn’t leave that situation, the next warning would be cancer. It took me till September to get my few belongings packed and help to move since I was totally unable to drive. I’m going to be writing more on that kind of thing since it’s a requirement for wellness. I would prefer to keep it all to myself and not appear nutty. But I guess I just don’t care about that anymore. Love Louise Hay. She is where I found Dr. Mona. Thanks for reading.


      • I have always wanted a reading by Dr. Mona Lisa Schultz. I think you were very smart to listen to her and get yourself out of that situation. I’m looking forward to reading about your experience with your reading.


      • I have to be careful what I write. My family reads my blog. My son thinks I’m normal. 🙂 She’s quite expensive but right down to the nuts and bolts accurate. I didn’t say a word for the first half hour. I’ve had many readings but she was the first to get it all correct without fishing. She confirmed what I already knew. I would never follow someones advise without being 100% sure that’s were I wanted to go in the first place. Mostly, I wanted to understand what causes the illness. She confirmed that too. Only reading that really impressed me. There are a lot of crack pots out there.


  3. I’m afraid I’m a very practical person, if somethings not working I do something different (includes marriage ha) and don’t own a single ‘self help’ book. Nor do I watch any self help TV like The Dr’s, Dr Oz, Dr Phil or even Oprah. I just find, these media ‘experts’ while they may have an insight to ‘whatever’, don’t know me or my situation. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed a 12 week writing workshop. That sounds fun. I don’t consider myself a writer per-say. The whole Blogging experience has been a great joy, but I keep it in perspective. I do it just for fun. I’m just winging it, by the seat of my pants….LOL and that’s my style in life too. When, or if, it stops being fun, I’ll do something else.


    • I hear you on that.Blogging has kind of stopped being fun but with no college education and no parenting, I’ve had to learn life skills elsewhere. I would love to feel as self assured as others seem to be. The darn dizziness has prevented me from doing almost everything else but read and write. So, I must persue my search for value in this world. You do a wonderful job by the seat of your pants. Maybe I just need a different pair.:)


      • You know what, I didn’t go to college or have kids either. Some might think…good gosh, what have you done with your life? I zips by regardless doesn’t it. Sorry to know your dizziness is so debilitating Marlene. That must be a great challenge. You mentioned you still enjoy reading, have you ever thought of sharing that joy at a hospital or school? I bet they’d love to have someone come in and share a good story. Many seniors have lost that ability entirely, so that might be a place to share a book in your free time. You might enjoy it too. You have value Marlene, the world is simply waiting for you to share it. xK


      • You are so kind. Yes, I’m looking for somewhere to voluteer my talents. Reading aloud isn’t on right now. It’s hard to even speak clearly yet but it’s getting better. I’ve started trying to drink my coffee without a straw in a real cup. You should see that in a restaurant.Asking for a straw for hot coffee or tea. 😉 My volunteering has to be very close since driving is still a challenge. A few years ago I volunteered for all manner of things. I’m not making excuses here. Just looking for the best options. Now that it’s coming on spring, maybe I’ll get my spring back too. I think I just expected more from myself than I’m capable of right at this moment. Still love reading your post. It inspires me.


      • Well, you are too dear. I appreciate all your visits and don’t be to hard on yourself, I enjoy your posts a great deal too. Oh man, you have so many challenges that we couldn’t begin to know how you manage. Seems like you are on the right track, that’s inspiring. 🙂


  4. spashionistareport said:

    I don’t think you’re out there. I don’t think you’re a crackpot. Psychic ability is freely available to anyone who wants to tap into it – if you get my meaning. The biggest problem psychics face is most people want the psychic to “fix” them when that is not within their power.
    I need a straw to drink coffee in a restaurant, too. 😉

    Spashionista (Alicia)


    • I like the bendy straws and very often have my own in my purse. Once I open my mouth to speak, most people get why I need the straw. My mouth is broken.:) I still dribble sometimes. I know so many people who don’t believe in psychic ability but we all have to some degree. It’s just energy. Some have a clearer radio signal than others. When I go for a reading, it’s always to check if I’m on the correct channel. I just need to learn to trust myself more. That was pointed out once again.


  5. This has been a great thread, with wonderful insights from some of my favorite people. Marlene, you have great worth and value. I know when we are ‘down-in-the-dumps’ as my mother used to say it can be hard to see that. I also know that long, cold winter days can affect our moods tremendously. That, coupled with your health struggles, can add up to some dark days. I hope you’ll stick with this community and others, and find the support you need. Sending gentle hugs.


  6. […] year’s anniversary blog was a bit more upbeat. I think it may be that this year, I haven’t been out of the house in 7 […]


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