Looking for answers to life's questions

There are so many fantastic food blogs out there and I have been following a few. It happened accidentally. Romancing the Bee is a mixed bag of wonderful information about bee keeping, gardening and amazing recipes using honey among other great topics.

Texana’s Kitchen was a find from another blogger. This lady is hilarious. I’m always learning something new from her as I dab tears of laughter from my eyes. She also has some very profound points of view that I enjoy.

One of my fellow writing class students writes a food blog for a local paper. I mentioned that I was not a foodie but would read it anyway. Then I find out that the phrase “foodie” is now an insult according to floreakeats. I found this through Texana’s Kitchen. Who knew?

Not only did I not consider myself a foodie, I’ve had a love, hate relationship with food my entire life. I love food, but since the age of 8, I’ve used food for comfort. It’s been my stress reliever and the cause of it.

Before I started my health routine

Before I started my health routine

Cooking food is also how I love others. I was never a great cook. I knew how to cook cheap and feed many. On my first date at 17, I didn’t even know how to cut the steak my date ordered for me. I’d never had one. No one ever got sick from my cooking and my kids liked most of it. It’s the kind of cooking my dad called “belly filling”. I learned from watching my mother cook. I make a few things very well but there isn’t much variety.

When my family first moved to southern California in the late 70’s, we moved into our first real house though it was still a rental. I got my first crack at gardening and I found great peace in being outside. Our next door neighbor was a genius at gardening. One afternoon, she came to the fence with a bowl of fresh strawberries and a container of whipping cream. I thanked her profusely, looking at the whipping cream and strawberries like they were foreigners. In fact, to me they were. I had never prepared fresh fruit of any kind nor seen real whipping cream. Thanks to her patient instructions, I soon became adept at making the luscious treat.

Taste buds are a requirement for good cooking. Mine are missing. For the first half of my life, food was often scarce. Spices were nonexistant. People wondered how I could eat stale popcorn, chips etc. It was easy. If I found it and it didn’t move away, I ate it. Yes, I’m an addict and I had treatment for it. There is appears to be no cure but I’m finally once again, getting a handle on it. My diet right now is minimal to keep the addictions at bay. I’m adding as much spice to my food as possible to fool my brain into thinking it’s getting wonderful stuff.

So much better, still a long way to go.

So much better, still a long way to go.

When my scale finally reads (HEALTHY), I might try a few of those wonderful recipes I’ve read. In the meantime, I love reading about wonderful food and enjoying it vicariously. Maybe one day we will be good friends again. Do you have a good relationship with food?

“Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the ‘Titanic’ who waved off the dessert cart.”

Erma Bombeck

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of a Cure" (9)

  1. Great “food” for thought, no pun intended. I, too, grew up not necessarily knowing what the next meal was going to be. It’s amazing how creative you can become with some cabbage and a pound of ground meat. Thanks!


  2. ps thanks for the quiet mention of my writing.


  3. It’s a never ending battle. But a reality for sure. I can not eat whatever I want. I don’t even buy treats because they will not last. I think we do eat very healthy for the most part. I never eat ‘fast food’ and since I’m vegetarian I really don’t even like the smell in those places. My problem is deserts, cookies, loafs, that kind of thing. They go sooooo well with coffee and I know I’m NEVER giving that up. Bravo for making the effort. Your scale photo’s made me laugh so hard, I’m pretty sure mine has said that on more than one occasion.


    • I was going for light and a little funny on a serious topic. I’m the opposite of vegetarian. I’d like to be but my brain won’t work at all that way. My heart doctor had been very happy with the way I do this and it works so well to get the numbers where they need to be. I’d like to be a one cookie kind of girl but don’t see that happening unless they come up with a cure. Finally having the divorce thing all behind me has relieved the stress eating. No more excuses. 20 down, 30 to go. I don’t do fast food either or soda. I’m with you on the coffee.


  4. eyeclic said:

    ” If I found it and it didn’t move away, I ate it.” You crack me up. And the pictures are hilarious!


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