Looking for answers to life's questions

I just finished reading a great blog about Nothing. First, it made me laugh and brightened up a gray and foggy day then it jarred something loose. Last year at this time, the cave called me and I retreated. I love holidays but no longer have the stamina to do it the way that that I did in years gone by. Sound familiar?

Waking up in the dark is taking more energy than waking up in the sunshine. I wake at 5:00 a.m. but some days it takes till 6:30 or 7:00 to roll out. It’s not like I have a job to go to or a husband or kids waiting to be fed and taken care of. My daughter thinks I’m nuts because at my age, I should be sleeping in. Shouldn’t I?

I'm leaving it like that till I do my Qi Gong.  Half reg/half decaf.

I’m leaving it like that till I do my Qi Gong. Half reg/half decaf.

Every morning I wake up with the best of intentions. I plan to have my coffee and write in my journal. That’s a given without fail. The next part is tricky. I intend to do some form of exercise, then go to my computer and see who’s come to visit. Most days I get that part backward. By the time I’ve looked at my e-mail, I’m hungry and slosh from the coffee. Can I exercise on that? Some days it takes me till noon to get to my workout. I excuse myself with the fact that the exercise makes me too dizzy to do much after. True, but not good enough. So it’s back to the exercise first. I’m rolling out the mat before I go to bed. The coffee won’t even be turned on until I’m done.

It stares at me till I do the work. I have to walk across it to sit down.

It stares at me till I do the work. I have to walk across it to sit down.

You know the old phrase, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”? Well, for me it’s been a long road. Good intentions require follow through or they are just wishes. I wish I was thin and rich?

Finally got another batch done. Even by machine, they take a lot of time.

Finally got another batch done. Even by machine, they take a lot of time.

I always intend to get this project done or that one started. Then the machine gives me fits. Aren’t electronics wonderful? They supply so many reasons to sit and read a good book or watch a sappy movie. When I see the pattern forming, there is no one around to call me on it. It’s a self-correcting situation for me. So I get out a notebook and make my list. On one side are the things I’ve manage to accomplish since the holidays. You know the best way to get a child to do better is to praise them for what they have done. Then you can show them what they can do better. I have to be my own parent so the other side of the list must be shorter than the praise side. Yippee!

This will be part of a wedding shower gift so please don't tell. It was supposed to be for Christmas but was meant to wait.

This will be part of a wedding shower gift so please don’t tell. It was supposed to be for Christmas but was meant to wait.

How do you handle your good intentions that are wandering to the wayside? I’m all ears here.

Good intentions are not enough. They’ve never put an onion in the soup yet.~ Sonya Levien

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of Good Intentions" (9)

  1. Thanks so much for the nice mention. I love the tea towel! I have my ornament hanging in my office. It makes me smile. As for good intentions, well, I think we all have them. I know I do, but I don’t beat myself up about them, I just add them to another list and figure when I can, I will get to them. 🙂


    • Adding them to the other list is a good start. I’m getting started on a quilt today that I started maybe 6 years ago. Just in that category, I have too many to list. I always say I have so much to finish, I have to live to 108 to get done. 🙂 I’m glad I won’t be alone. Hugs.


  2. I can’t even count the number of “unfinished” projects and ideas that I have. One thing I do know, it keeps me dreaming!


  3. I find I am having to set limits on company to get anything accomplished here. I love your tea towel!


    • Thanks Lois, I hope my great-niece likes it too. She was engaged on New Years Eve. He couldn’t wait till Valentines day. The machine was acting up so the towel had to wait till after Christmas. I’m sure there will be a shower sometime before the wedding so it’s ready. I don’t get much company other than the holiday. I’m alone way too much. I tend to avoid doing anything without some accountability. Stay warm and dry. Hugs.M


      • How cute that he couldn’t wait for 2 more months. When you decide you want to spend your life with someone why wait for an arbitrary date? She will love the tea towel.

        We should try to balance out our company. I get quite a bit, especially family. With my son living only 2 miles away they stop here almost every day. They say it’s because the children ask to come. I don’t mind unless they are here for the entire day often as I don’t get anything accomplished.

        Yes, I’m staying inside it’s -8 outside and blowing hard so the chill factor is even lower. I’ll be so happy when spring arrives.


  4. Aloha from the Island 😀
    I have so many projects in line up, if I didn’t have some good intentions, I’d never get to most of them. Is it at all possible you’re being too hard on yourself Marlene? I don’t profess to know what the secret is to getting everything done on time (I mean, I’m a living, breathing example of the opposite). I do think, making a list is a good idea though, stick with that for sure. Otherwise, I’ve lived most of my entire adulthood being beholden to someones else’s schedule or someones sales target, blah blah. I just don’t want to do that anymore. What about doing what make you happy for that day? The next day do the same and the next. Marlene, if you’re happy watching a movie one day, don’t feel guilty. It’s the benefit of retirement. You’ve earned the right to indulge your own schedule. I’d say, make a list of all the things you love doing most, and a separate list of all the things you love doing the least. Include one item off each list in your schedule everyday……Balance, ying-yang 😀 love and hugs K


    • You tickle me. I love so much to hear from you. I like the balanced list. Today it will include laundry with some sewing on a shirt that has been half done since before Christmas. Maybe I’ll get to the crazy quilt I started 6 years ago. Drug the portable table in front of the tv to do a little viewing (more like listening) while I work. The lists do help. But I do beat myself up for being a bit lazy. Old patterns die hard. We were raised to work, not relax. 😉 I do want to get some blogs read today so I got up at 4:30 am. The list just gets longer, never shorter. I just HATE exercise. I think I’ll rename it something pleasant. I have more intentions than hours or energy.:) If you are sending aloha’s from the island, I’m envious. Enjoy the warm. Hugs & love, M


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