Looking for answers to life's questions

I have been trying hard to catch up with reading of the blogs I follow. I’m outnumbered but still don’t want to miss any as they all leave me with something special.

Lately several bloggers have asked if I would be interested in posting three quotes in three days. It should be a simple request. I collect quotes. My refrigerator is covered with them. I live by quotes. My Pinterest boards have multitudes and my document files have several pages of quotes from every manner of subject. How the heck can I pare them down to three?


Just a few

Just a few

It would take hours to go through them to see which one is my favorite and that’s like sending me down the Pinterest rabbit hole. My head won’t look up for hours and I don’t have hours.

The first one that asked was The Thoughts and Life of Me. She is a lovely young woman who lives in Norway and writes her blog in English. Can I write mine in any other language? Not likely. I love her view of life from where she is and she’s kind enough to take us traveling with her. Her blog is delightful and refreshing.

Then there was The Contented Crafter who inspires me with every post. She was kind enough to pick up the baton and not tag anyone specifically but hinted kindly. We have very similar philosophies on life. When I start to wander off course, Pauline will gently guild me back where I’m wanting to go. Her furry family and some of her real family keep everyone amused.

Then Charles French who had nominated me for a couple of awards got on the quote wagon. I just didn’t have the time and energy to accept this summer. It’s been the most full summer I’ve had in YEARS! His blog helps all of us write a lot better and is so thoroughly entertaining at the same time.

I tried putting quotes at the end of my posts for a while. Finding relevant quotes was always a challenge. I use them a lot when someone I love has a problem.  They wonder why they are in so much pain and why bad things happen. I’ve traveled this world widely and met thousands of people. I’ve yet to meet someone who hasn’t suffered something.  It set me in search of answers. I found that hard to answer until I read the following quote by Rumi.

Does this make sense to you in any way?

The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of Quotes" (33)

  1. Thank you so much for those kind words Marlene!

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  2. I so know how trying to catch up feels.. Its like the ‘never ending story’ as no sooner have you thought you caught up you start all over again.. 🙂 I so see your dilemma Marlene.. But love Rumi’s quote.. And I thank you for those Links, I will go pay each a visit
    Enjoy your week Marlene.. Sue xxx

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  3. NotAPunkRocker said:

    That does make sense; thank you for sharing that one ❤

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    • Doesn’t make the hurts any easier to bear, but that’s where the light to grow comes in. I have never met anyone who wasn’t in some pain from something. Thanks for stopping by.

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  4. Lovely quote Marlene. And it’s so true. The light does come in through the wounds. I’ve known this feeling many times. Hope you are doing well. ❤

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    • Thanks for stopping by Jackie. I should be outside painting. I’m still trying to find anyone that participated in 3 quote days for my next one. Tech Support just left and I’m goldbricking. Just busier than a one armed paper hanger. How about you? Feeling ok? How’s the hubby? You have been running under the radar for a while now. I’ll catch up by Dec, Maybe. 😦


      • I’m doing ok. Hanging in there. Hubby is doing a bit better. I revealed the book cover to A Case of Deceit, in case you missed it. 😉

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      • I did probably miss it. This has been the month that we just haven’t had time to breathe. It’s almost behind us. Ok is ok but I wish you were doing much better than ok. 😦


  5. I am going to have to save that one. It’s true that everyone has wounds, and this quote turns that situation right around, and forces us to look ahead to what will happen next.

    Nice hearing how much your blog resonates with others. I know you to be completely authentic, in person and online, and the people who write to you must be picking up on that. Will you be posting a second and third quote then?

    One of my favourites is “Leap and the net will appear,” by naturalist John Burroughs. That’s the one I use to get past my fear. You know how easy it is to be stopped in your tracks because – while you want to do something – you don’t know how to begin, or how to address small crises as they come up along the way, or if there is something important that you haven’t considered yet, or if it will turn out to be totally wrong and a waste of time and effort…. but this quote comes to mind, and I realize that all I have to do is go forward, and I will figure it all out later.

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    • I like that quote. Maybe you want to join in and do your own three???? Now that TS has gone down to LA to his God-daughter’s birthday and to work for 2 weeks freelance, I might get a bit more done here. I was outside painting the back of the house when a big ol’ bumble bee kept buzzing me. So here I am sitting on my laurels. Finding a quote is easy. Putting a whole post around it, a little harder when your brain is otherwise occupied. 🙂

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  6. For me pain is a prelude to darkness.

    My quote (my own poem which I put on FB today, could maybe help your time problem: “Life is too short to iron socks”

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    • That’s hilarious but sooo true!!! Heck, I can barely get the socks back in the drawer after washing them, much less ironing them. So much is getting left undone for now. Connections with people, never want that to happen.

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  7. Very nice quote, Marlene. It makes perfect sense.

    I’m in the same boat as you – so far behind and trying to catch up with friends.

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    • Thanks, Maddie. From what I’m reading, many of us are in the same boat. I’m only here because the bee chased me away from the paint can. I’ll give him a moment and try again.:)


  8. Marlene, I’m going to have to sit with this quote for awhile. I heard a man interviewed form the Carter Center yesterday, and this quote is getting muddled up with the story of the New Guinea worm. Funny how that is.

    I’m glad you have the house to yourself for a few days, and I’m also pleased to hear that TS has some freelance work. It will be a nice break for both of you to regroup (and in your case, hopefully rest). Sometimes a change of focus does us all good.

    It was nice to see link to several other bloggers I don’t know. So much to read, so little time.

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    • I so agree about so many links, so little time. I’ve had a lot of help along the way and want to pass it on. Some don’t need it but I have to do my share. Pauline explained this quote the best. Our pain opens us up to empathy…if we allow it. Some just wallow in it and never learn from it. My sister is here today (to help paint?) It’s too warm so she is napping between errands. instead. TS decided to take the work and sleep on a friends sofa for a couple weeks because “Christmas is coming” . As though anyone here needs or wants a thing. We are all so good with what we have that it’s fun for me to do for others. Perspective will be helpful. 🙂


      • Ah…that makes sense. And yes, some open up to empathy, and others board the pity train. You’re a remarkable soul, Marlene. I look forward to meeting you one day and know that we’ll make it so.

        I know you’ll make Christmas wonderful for others. I hope your son enjoys the work and the stay with a friend. I hope, too, that your heat (and ours) will pass soon. Fall can’t get here fast enough in my book.

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      • Fall arrives on Friday. :)))) Just letting you know. I kept smelling it in the air. I’m with you. Hurry on down. I’m so hoping to meet you someday soon. Working on that. 🙂


      • Never under estimate your trusty sense of smell. 😉


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  9. Marlene I am so glad you found the time and energy to write this post and share this great one liner from Rumi. I love Rumi! I keep a book beside my bed and dip in now and again to settle my thoughts. I am sure it is this particular line that inspired Leonard Cohen’s lyrics in Anthem [one of my favourite Cohen songs]: ‘there is a crack in everything, that’s where the light gets in’. We have all been cracked – it is a necessity to grow empathy, understanding, strength and forgiveness – all those attributes that make us real and good people.

    Looking forward to quote number two 🙂 xoxo

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    • Thanks Pauline. I appreciate it. It’s turned out too hot to paint so I’m indoors and will work on #2. Yes, there is a crack in everything. It makes it easier to bear the hard things in life. I knew you would understand. So many people I know don’t. Thanks for stopping by.


  10. You always do such a great job keeping up with posts and comments, Marlene. You have such a kind heart and encouraging and thoughtful words for each and everyone of us and it is appreciated. What an interesting quote! I need to chew on this one for a while. I am getting a visual in my mind and I love the concept of light.


    • If you read what Pauline said about the light and the wounds, it makes more sense. When you are broken open, the light of empathy can grow in you. You can grow in that place or you can conceal the crack and act as if you are perfect. No one is perfect and taking down the patches helps us see the humanity in each other. I keep looking for the same kind of saying in more Christian terms. I know they are there. I would swear by some of the things Jesus said that he spent some of those missing years studying with Buddha. 🙂 A lot of the philosophy is similar only worded differently. I wish my memory was better. 😦


  11. Marlene, I so enjoy your sense of humor mixed with honest, sincere words. Here’s to finding the right quote for whatever comes!

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  12. Speaking of catching up, here I am 3 behind ! You’ve been a busy blogger Wonderfrau! You may have noticed, I’ve only blogged once in August so you are far more organized than you think.

    So, Rumi is a name I hear a lot, but I don’t know who that is or was. I guess I should Goggle this Rumi character and become enlightened. I wish I could say I ‘get’ that quote but the connection seems to be elusive to me. Of course, just like everyone, I’ve been wounded a few times in life. Some of those wounds become scabs that I pick at and they take a long time to heal. Wounding means darkness to me but honestly, I’m not an enlightened or philosophical type by any stretch. I take people and life at face value. Someone said to me once, when someone shows you who they are, believe them. A challenge for me is wanting to make excuses for others bad behaviours, but I should be mindful of their true selves. Sending love xox K

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    • I think Pauline has the best explanation for this quote. Rumi was a Sufi mystic, poet and Muslim Scholar. Widely know for his poetry and wisdom. I have seen a lot of people stuck in their pain and can’t figure out why bad things happened to them of all people. But when something hurts you, it leaves a place for the light of empathy to come in. So we understand others struggles better. It softens us. You get it so quickly when someone else talks about betrayal now where you may not have before. I am basically a philosopher. I think it’s in my DNA. In search of it all is about the philosophical search for meaning. Why am I here and what am I supposed to be doing. I question everything. I think it started in childhood when I started questioning why people who were supposed to love and protect you, didn’t. I needed to understand that kind of behavior. Mine has always been a spiritual search but I don’t talk about it directly. I made excuses for others too. Still do. I’m like you, always looking for the good in everyone when it’s often just not there. Sending you love right back. Hugs too. 🙂

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