Looking for answers to life's questions

Bumper stickers

I’ve collected a few bumper stickers but I never put them on my car. No one on the road is interested in my philosophy. They just want me to get out of their way so they can go faster. I am not a slow driver in the fast lane and I don’t, for the most part, drive in the slow lane. On the road as well as in life, I tend to go with the flow to some degree. I will take a stand about something I believe in and if you are going too slow in the fast lane, I’ll find a way around you, carefully and with consideration. They won’t let me install a lift mechanism on the front of my car to move you physically so I have to do a mind meld.


My favorite

My sister puts lots of bumper stickers on her truck. She has a lot to say to the world. I love reading bumper stickers, but many make people want to hammer the vehicle or smack the driver on the back of the head and ask what is wrong with them. You know that feeling. Of course, I restrain myself because we are all going to see things from a different perspective. I’ll be nice to you even if yours is wrong.

An extension of my sister.



My license plate frame says “A creative mind is never tidy”. I really need that hanging from my front door to let people know what to expect if they decide to enter my home. Bumper stickers tell people a lot about you. Maybe more than you want them to know or is safe for them to know about you. I keep them for my own reference about who I am in case I get lost some days. I will never put anything derogatory towards anyone or anything out there. There is enough hate without adding even a slice of it to the world.


My beliefs are quite strong, and I’ve done my research. I’m sure everyone else feels the same way about theirs. I can hang my views in my home for all who enter to see. I do not want to start an argument or a debate. My verbal skills are too limited to make many understand my perspective. I also have a great deal of difficulty with confrontation of any nature. My sister is the brave one in our family.

All I fully understand is that whatever view I hold, it will always come from a place of caring and kindness. Nothing else matters. So I’m sharing some of my bumper stickers here where the only thing that can be hurt are my feelings and I’ll get over that quick enough. I still like to be mostly invisible on the road. My Angels have learned to move very quickly and keep the police radar guns aimed elsewhere.

Do you proudly display your bumper stickers or do you slide under the radar in traffic?

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself

Comments on: "Bumper stickers" (57)

  1. Well for goodness sake – I never knew bumper stickers were a thing in your part of the world!
    And you collect them! 🙂 You could do something fun with them and paper a wall in your laundry room or toilet or somewhere that needs enlivening That would be fun!

    I see them now and then here, but not a lot. Or maybe they are out there and I just don’t see them – also possible! Personalised number plates are big these days I think . Some distract me because I have to try and work out what they are saying, some are clever, some are funny some are just advertising.

    I like the kindness and tolerance you put out into the world when driving – I think I am a considerate driver too, but the other drivers might not always agree with me. It’s a good place to practise having no assumptions and being tolerant isn’t it – but I have been known to swear! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • You are always good for a giggle. I swear too. But only if I’m alone in the car. I’ve learned some valuable lessons about people getting in front of me and slowing me down. We’ve come on a herd of Elk on the road that I might not have been able to stop in time or a police radar waiting in a blind spot. I always say thank you for those times. We have personalize plates here too but they cost extra. I do need to think of a creative way to display those sayings. They just spoke to me and were quite inexpensive. Fortunately, I can’t see anything written in front of me when driving. Not even street signs. Yes, I know. I should not be driving. 😦 I keep telling my sister when she gets really worked up with drivers to remember they are just like me and holding on to the remnants of their independence. I can be patient for only so long though.

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  2. Oh my God! I am getting, “Caution German Driver,” for my husband right now!

    Liked by 3 people

    • They can’t say they didn’t warn anyone can they. My sister and my mother were militant drivers. Angels definitely travel with my sister. I’m amazed sometimes how she survives. I hope you find the bumper sticker for your husband.


  3. I just went to amazon, bought two, “Caution German Driver,” stickers for both our German cars. I will not tell my German husband about this and maybe he won’t notice……….right away!! 😉 😉 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    • I almost choked I laughed so hard. You crack me up. Does he drive like a German?


      • Oh my God yes!
        Germans are speedy folk in cars.
        Consider the autobahn, which i have driven, several times, with my husband, who constantly annoyed me with advisement about how to drive at >90 mph, but no more than < 110 mph, or get the hell off the autobahn.
        But my God, Germans are really skillful drivers!
        I can't wait to affix the stickers to the bumpers.

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      • My sister freaked when we were on the Autobahn. So I drove it and she drove the city streets. I can’t see road signs. I drove it all when mom and I went back for her last visit. Wish I could afford to take my kids and show them where I grew up. 😉 Most Germans have lead feet in their cars. 😉


  4. “They won’t let me install a lift mechanism on the front of my car to move you physically…” Haha! I love that line Marlene. I would so put one of those on my car if they existed, although sometimes I think I would prefer something like that on the back that I could scoop up those fine folks who tailgate. It would be wonderful to deposit them anywhere but on the road I am traveling on.

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    • I’m not crazy about tailgaters either. I don’t do it and if someone gets that close I try to move out of the way for them. Rather they get the ticket than me. One of my older lady friends says she was pulled over and warned for driving too slowly. My sister was tailgating everyone and turned out one of them was a cop. He pulled her over and just warned her. Like I said, someone is really watching out for her. There are so many with road rage or they are totally oblivious to anyone else on the road. Thanks for stopping by. I’ll let you know when the come out with the car scoop. 😉


  5. I think I may be one of the drivers who annoy you. I stick to the speed limit, indicate and brake in good time and don’t respond to tailgating by speeding up. On the plus side of the argument, I’ve never had an accident and only ever one speeding ticket in my entire life. I don’t have any bumper stickers but perhaps I need one that reads “I drive like a Nanna: old, slow – and STILL ALIVE”… If the Husband feels the need to criticise my driving at any point, I look at him and ask politely how many accidents and tickets he’s had. It generally does the trick.

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    • You give me a giggle, Kate. Lots of people drive the limit and are cautious. That’s better than oblivious. In a neighborhood, or where there are people walking, I’m extra slow. On the open road, if I want to be slow, there is a lane for that. My daughter drives in it. Some times I ask if she’s still awake. 🙂 I got one speeding ticket too and the picture the camera took said it all. Only one accident that I could not avoid when a cop hit me. We took it to court and won. 😉 You keep staying safe and alive. We are all out there just doing the best we can to get to where we need to be. I’m so much more cautious and slow than ever before but my reflexes are slower too. I just find my sweet spot on the road where I can get away from the angry folks. I’m a bit more mellow. ;( I do move over if someone is tailgating. I’d rather have them in front of me than behind. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.


  6. Creative minds are rarely tidy is a great bumper sticker to have. I haven’t noticed many bumper stickers on cars in my area, although the stick figure family stickers were very popular for a while.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by. I think fewer and fewer are putting them on cars. I’ve seen those stick figure family’s too. Something else I don’t want to advertise. Have a wonderfilled week.

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  7. I loved this post and your collection of bumper stickers! I don’t see as many stickers as I used to, but I do enjoy reading them while stuck in traffic. The vanity license plates are always fun, too. Funny, whenever I leave work for the day, my co-worker, a Sheriff’s Deputy, always says, “Drive safe and stay out of the fast lane.” 🙂 Have a great week!

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  8. With the rage so many people seem to carry along on their car trips, I don’t want to provoke them–so I don’t put my views on my bumper. I have a Penn State alumni license tag frame and even that gets me glares from people who went to Ohio State and Michigan! I do like the bumper sticker that says “Coexist” using the symbols from many religions, though. A very neat post, Marlene!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Kerry. I’ve seen the Coexist sticker and like it too. My sister is always ready for an argument so she enjoys provoking people with her opinions. Me, I like to stay under the radar. People can be a bit ridiculous about their point of view with no room for tolerance. Just gotta let it go. Have a great week.

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  9. Marlene-a-go-go in the fast lane ! zoom zoom 😀 You don’t see too many bumper stickers around here, unless they’re driving an older car. I think we’re too concerned about car value. If I was to ever to want one, it would say, “if you can read this bumper sticker, you’re too close”. Man I get annoyed with tailgaters. What I generally do (if there’s two lanes), is slow down more, snicker. I say, go around me if you’re in a hurray. When we lived in the country, I’d see so many reckless drivers. At least city drivers will get stopped at a light every other block.
    Speaking of driving, I bought a new car on Saturday. I don’t get it until November though. I bought a Mini Cooper 😀 They’re so cute! I bought the Countryman model. It’s like a very small SUV. Just the right size for me but my hubby had lots of room too. It will be a very pretty sparkley silver…beep beep coming through 😀 xoxo K

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    • I don’t put them on my car for much the same reason. We often joke that we are going to bury my sister in her truck as it’s such a part of her. She’s hoping it lasts as long as she does but she drives a LOT!! Love the Mini Cooper’s! They are adorable and great for tooling around town. I drive a Suburban and it’s always hauling something somewhere. It rarely leaves the driveway until my daughter comes to take us places on Saturdays. If I go out, I do everything at once. My car/truck will last a long time so no bumper stickers on it. If someone follows too close, I always move over if possible. Let them get the ticket. 😉 Waiting for photos of your new car when you get it. Almost a Christmas present. 🙂 No more cars for me this time around. Mine has to last. 🙂

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  10. Hey Marlene! I love this phrase that you wrote: “I keep them for my own reference about who I am in case I get lost some days.” That’s why I write things down and save quotes that keep me going on a Pinterest board. We could all do with a good dose of caring and sharing.

    Your “We’re all here because we’re not all there” made me laugh. Isn’t that the truth? Have a great week and stay cool in our Oregon hot spell!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by, Missy. I have quotes on Pinterest as well. Lots of them. I am definitely NOT looking forward to the hot and it looks like longer than a spell. I’m not wired for heat so it will be slow going. I laughed when I saw the we’re not all there quote as well. At least my sister has a sense of humor. Stay cool.

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  11. I love this post Marlene. If I saved bumper stickers the one about ‘Gardening and tomatoes’ is just too funny!

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  12. I just love this, Marlene!! It is so ‘me’, too. As I read each one, I nodded my head and said, “yup”. Like you, I have strong beliefs yet feel it is in bad taste (at least for me) to shout them out. My sister is the opposite and I applaud her for that. I doubt I’d have the verbal skills to defend my principles anyway. Maybe that’s why I prefer writing. Thank you for bringing such a wonderful part of you and your bumper stickers into your blog. Makes my day! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Jennie. You make my day. My sister is almost my exact opposite as well. I lost my verbal skills when the Bells Palsy hit 8 years ago and writing is how I have recovered many words. Still have many that just haven’t found their way back. Writing is much safer. 😉 Have a wonderfilled week. I’m going to start reading your Millie posts this afternoon when I get back from my sewing group. I’m saving them to read all at once.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You are welcome, Marlene. It always feels so good to read your posts. I had forgotten that you were hit by Bells Palsy. Your writing is certainly making up for the words you do not say. 🙂 I look forward to hearing what you think of the Milly stories. I had originally thought three posts would tell her whole story. Wrong! Much more ahead. Have a wonderful week my friend. 🙂

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  13. Marlene, this was terrific. More later b

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  14. My bumper stickers are all feline related. 🙂

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  15. Part 2: I was in a hurry earlier sink apologize for the brief remark. Bumper stickers can be so funny but there are some folks who completely forget civility and stock crude ones to their cars. Political ones can be disturbing because if it’s not your candidate, then you start feeling badly to the person who has it. You have a great philosophy about them, just collect them for fun. 👍

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    • No problem about the brevity before. Most of my days are like that too. Constantly playing catch up. Fun is what it’s all about. Who needs to be mean? Thanks for stopping by, Steve.

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  16. There are plenty of cars with bumper stickers around here. One particular one I remember is “No cash on board. Driver is married!” I still don’t quite know how to take that one. I have one on my car, a red heart with the Iceland flag. That’s a place I love and don’t mind advertising. But for every other opinion I’m with you and keep it to myself. I hope you had a great day at the sewing group! 🙋

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    • That’s a kind of derogatory comment on marriage! I’m sure they will be single soon. I didn’t realize the flag was from Iceland. Sounds like a good place to be right now. 😉 Started on a new embroidery as I finished the first one. Only 6 more of these to go. 😉

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  17. By the way, i see you have lots of stories on your blog. Which two are your favorites. Let me know and I’ll read them.

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  18. I like reading bumper stickers (but not the crude or hateful ones); I don’t worry about people’s having different opinions than mine and have never thought of expressing mine as a dangerous thing to do. I think I have always felt that because other people’s thoughts have inspired me and helped me to re-assess and sometimes change my life, perhaps my thoughts might do the same for others. For myself, there have been many “I never thought of that way before. Or maybe, “I never thought of doing before” and so on. I don’t know if that makes sense to you or not. Sometimes I’m not so good at putting my inner thoughts and feelings into words.

    I use lists, too, and love the feeling when I cross off something. But often the list is the starting point for another day . . .

    I like the first sticker and the “we’re all here . . .” sticker best, I think.

    As to driving, I’m a laid-back person and more process-oriented than goal-oriented, which means sometimes I’m just toodling along and enjoying the trip and the scenery and my own thoughts. Much to the annoyance of others, I’m pretty sure. But I just try to get out of their way. I really don’t like conflict, although I’ll sometimes stand up to others if it matters enough. But it takes a toll . . .

    Oh, well, it’s a good thing we are all different in some ways and the same in others, isn’t it?

    Love and Hugs to you, Marlene. ~ Linne

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    • I’m glad you enjoyed some of the bumper stickers, Linne. Thanks for the visit. I find I rarely relax when driving. I do not enjoy it and always say a prayer before I leave and one of gratitude when I’m back home. I can drive quite fast but always with extreme caution and awareness of others on the road. I’m not a pushy driver. If the person in front of me is oblivious, I wait patiently to get out of their way. But putting something mean or offensive on a vehicle can incite people to cut you off or do damage depending on how strong their convictions are. There is so much road rage out there that I want nothing to encourage it. I definitely agree we all see things differently and that’s as it should be. Stay well and safe, my friend, Hugs.

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  19. Hello Marlene! Gosh It’s been way too long since I’ve visited, and it’s so nice to read your words.
    For me, stickers on the truck have traditionally been to announce my loves (Virginia Tech Football, Navy, Harley Davidson, Gonzaga Basketball, Southwest Virginia) but these past few years have been more political (no suprise there, eh?). Now I have “She Persisted”, “When They Go Low, We Go High”, and “I Marched 1/2017”.

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    • Sounds like a great collection of bumper stickers to me. I love funny and kind stickers. People are so volatile these days I keep most of my opinions to myself. I share only with people I can trust with them. I wish I were braver. My sister has more courage but we need to so something. It’s gone off the rails this time.


  20. Love your bumper sticker collection, Marlene! Especially the ones about gardening being better and cheaper than therapy and you also get to have tomatoes, the one by the Dalai Lama and the one stating that we can’t eat money. Don’t have bumper stickers because I’ve got no car but if I had I’d probably put them on. 😉

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    • The one about the last tree I had on a T-shirt and gave it too my daughter who still wears it. I’m thinking hard about embroidering some of these on T-shirts. Just need to get it done. Along with a zillion other things.

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      • THat´s a wonderful idea to put them on a T-shirt! I´ve been thinking about putting something like this on shopping bags, but T-Shirts sound even better to me!

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  21. Such fun bumper stickers, Marlene! Although I don’t put them on my car either, it can be fun to read them while I’m stuck in traffic. Since I have always driven a compact car, it can be a bit daunting to be surrounded by huge vehicles. Stay safe on the road, my friend! ♡

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    • Thanks so much Dawn. I am careful but I drive a beast of a car. Purchased in 2006 the 2005 Suburban was quite practical for our heavy mountain snow and long drives down curvy mountain hills. I traveled a great deal then and my truck was always loaded. Now, I drive so little but it still makes a great truck hauling each time either people or equipment. I always keep my eye out for those driving toy cars though to help keep them safe as well. 😉 Hugs.

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  22. PS- Both bumper stickers are on the cars. It seems to be cracking lots of people up, because of how badly I drive. I mistakenly drove into the exit only lane and at Starbucks thinking it meant exit from the mall…….I kid you not. I just waved at all the people cracking up over their Carmel Mochas.

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    • Oh dear, Cindy, I’m normally a pretty good driver but when we were driving around Germany, I was starting to panic because I couldn’t understand all the signs and ended up driving on an area that was supposed to be pedestrian traffic only. A young women came out of a restaurant she was working in and helped me find parking. From then on, I made my sister drive in the cities and I did the autobaun. 🙂 I can just see everyone having a good time at your expense. 😉


  23. We all need levity, especially after a hard day or stuck in traffic… Stickers are good as long as they are not hateful.

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    • I agree with wanting them not to be hateful. I wish everyday that I could see the bumper stickers on cars while I travel. It would help ease the tension. Thanks for stopping by.

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  24. I don’t have any pumper stickers either at home or on my car, but many of yours could be my treasures too. I loved so many of them, including the angel stickers, the Dalai Lama quote and the “we can’t eat money” one. Great post, Marlene!

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    • Thank you so much. I think I love the quotes and would love to find a creative way to display them other than on my car. Have a wonderfilled weekend.


  25. I love your sisters bumperstickers! That’s one of those vehicles I will just stand behind and read till I get them all. Your collection, while not on your vehicle, are a clear representation of the woman you are. This post reminded me of one I wrote a long time ago. https://crystaltrulove.wordpress.com/2010/10/27/walk-the-talk/


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