Looking for answers to life's questions


Ten Chicken Soup books are on their way out.

Another month more than half gone. Time is in super speed from September through December. We’ve had some very interesting weather this month. One moment it’s nice and warm then comes the cold with near-freezing temperatures followed by massive amounts of rain and then we get a little of all of it in a week or even a day.

One thing is consistent. I walk. Five days a week I do as many miles as possible to count as exercise on my fitness tracking device. Unless I get my heart rate high enough, long enough, it won’t matter how many steps I walk. So, I have been pushing myself up hills that I didn’t think I could do anymore. My oximeter lets me know how hard I’m struggling and that I need a moment to just breathe before pressing on.

One of my hills to walk

Cold weather requires ears covered

I like to see what’s going on in my neighborhood, talking to new and familiar neighbors if they are out. I usually walk very early but sometimes the weather says I have to wait a while. I’ve also found that on cold days, a lot of people use their fireplaces to warm up. I have to dress differently on those days. While I love a warm fire, it’s no longer a good idea for my lungs.

Can you see the smoke in the air?

Since I have the option unlike many people who are employed, I get to shop or go to public places when the number of people is minimal. Did you know many respiratory illnesses are most contagious the week before the person even knows they have it? Bronchitis is like that so I wear a mask so I don’t catch it from others. It’s not the most flattering look even if I put my earrings on to distract you.

Cold and smokey days require a mask. Yes, I’m getting a better one.

When I’m walking, I see more of my neighborhood than when I drive through it slowly. I always get some kind of show. This is a car my neighbor boy works on and rents out. It’s not popular with many of the neighbors but I figure it keeps the kids busy and out of trouble. They need something to engage their minds and hands other than their electronic devices.

I also get to look closely at landscaping, mine, and others around me. I’m done with the outside chores for now. I had to enlist my daughter this year to clean the gutters. She doesn’t even like to do dishes so it was not high on her list of fun things to do. The kids don’t want me on the ladders so I do dishes and she climbs.

Yucky job but better than dishes

I have still been purging with 4 more tubs of fabric going to various charities and many of my books heading off to the senior centers. I’m happy to have finally started some holiday gifts and quilting now that I’ve unburied my machine.

I will get it done, I will get it done. So many more to go.

Purging is messy work. I see more of the fun stuff ahead now that it’s cold and rainy again. I really do enjoy walking in the leaves and wind.

Do you enjoy autumn walks and check out your neighborhood for changes?

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself


Comments on: "On My Oct. Walks" (77)

  1. The hill walking is impressive. I’ve discovered the joys of walking now that Doggo has joined the family. Mouse sets a pace I have to keep up with, and it’s sure faster than I’d have sauntered along before. I have to walk early in the day, though; it’s hot already at 8am, and we’re only just into spring Down Under.

    Liked by 4 people

    • I know the feeling as I am living in the land Down under too!!

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    • The hills are harder than a few years ago and I didn’t think I could do them but I fooled myself. 😉 Mouse walking is good for you. I never sauntered with my dog either. They do like to stop and sniff a good deal though. In summer, I walk around 5-5:30 a.m. Now I go as soon as I see daylight. Somehow, the rain waits for me to finish my walk then comes down. I’m glad Mouse is walking you more. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      • There are mornings I walk him and other mornings he walks me. It’s good to have a partner. He’s loving all the variety he’s getting on our holiday. Today he spent quality time in my sister’s back yard, sniffing everything and checking out the hens…

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  2. While I’m supposed to be enjoying my spring walks my weather is much like yours – the constant changes in barometric pressure are not easy on my general well being and I have days when it is very hard to walk and other days when I stride along easily. I’m not a fan of the new normal down here in the Riviera of Antarctica! However we keep walking, no matter what the weather is doing. Aren’t we doing well 🙂 I’m glad to see you are keeping on with the purging – me too! I’ve spent the last ten days (except for yesterday when I hit the wall so took a rest day) sorting, deciding what to keep and what to donate, and then rearranging my favourite room of all. It is so good now, I just go to the doorway and stand there and smile. I can’t spend too much time standing round smiling happily though – there is work to do! Hasn’t the year whizzed past and isn’t it whizzing past even faster with Christmas just on the horizon and so much to make before then……. My blogging is sporadic as it is, it might become even more endangered! Keep walking Marlene, I hope you are having fun with Heather living with you and life is getting easier for you both. xoxo

    Liked by 5 people

    • I think we are on the same page, Pauline. Yes, time is whizzing by and my blogging is sporadic and flat sounding. Having H with me is a godsend. She is temperamentally in balance with me. Helps just enough that I don’t end up feeling helpless. We give each other lots of space. It’s nice when you get things looking just right. I took 2 bags of magazines to the senior center last week and they were going through them as I put them out. Yay. Almost all gone. They will get a lot of my books too. I have one Christmas gift done and a second almost done. Getting rid of so much really lightens my load. I’m sure more will go as time permits. Even if you don’t blog, you have my e-mail and can send a short note anytime to let me know how you are doing. I’ll send one too. Send me a photo of the finished room unless you are going to post it. I’m nosy. 😉 Hugs.

      Liked by 4 people

  3. I love to walk around the neighborhood and notice the details and the changes. so different when moving slow and at street level.

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    • It really is different, Beth. So many miss the details zippy by in their cars. I love walking and being a bit nosy. Met several new neighbors that way. They are always full of good information and great stories too. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.

      Liked by 3 people

  4. I love a good walk. And if it makes me pant a bit, so much the better. It’s fun to walk and be able to notice things at leisure without a lot of people wondering why you’re gawking!! Goodness, keep up the good work clearing out. It’s a job.

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    • Thanks for stopping by, Lisa. I have to work hard to keep my lungs working. So uphill is mandatory most days. No longer as easy as it was 5 years ago. Very few people know you are gawking or looking at their front gardens and taking photos. At my age, I’m invisible anyway. The clearing out looks like a full time job here. ;( Never ending. Hope things are going well for you also.

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  5. Ah Marlene, you are my favorite hero. I wish I had your energy and strength. I would walk with Sam but my knees have been giving me hell lately. That and I’m lazy. ha! I have been purging though and yes, it feels good. Since the husband died I have been keeping myself and my mind busy cleaning closets and donating things. Better than sitting around feeling sorry for myself. All in all, I’m doing ok. Not great but getting there is slow work. I look to you for inspiration. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much for the kind words, Jackie. It will be hard for a long time yet. But staying busy helps more than most know. I make a list in the morning and challenge myself through it. Some days I get it all, some days just close. It’s ok as long as we keep trying. I may go down but not without a battle. I always have my cane and keep an awareness of the knees. Take your time. You’ll get back to yourself soon enough. Giant squishy hugs.


  6. Glad to hear you’re bundling up before your walks, Marlene. Your leaves are so gorgeous. Due to lack of rain, I don’t think we’ll have much color this year.

    Liked by 2 people

    • We were very lucky in the rain department this year. Some mornings it’s a heavy jacket, others just a heavy shirt. I walk outside and decide. Some days like today it was raincoat weather. No smoke in the air though. 😉 Thanks for stopping by. I have your post open and will get there shortly. Have a happy week, Jill. Hugs.


  7. Wonderful to hear your update! Walking and sipping a cup of tea can be one of the best things in life!! If you are covering your ears, how cold is it, temperature wise?
    (Btw, the facemask is eminently practical)

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    • Right now the temps have warmed up again but a week ago we had freezing temps. This is layering season. Put it all on in the morning and start peeling it off as the day goes on. Later in the day I get too tired to walk so I have to do it early. Been running low on steam and the walks help keep me moving. Hope things are going well in your corner of the world, Amanda? I’ll catch up soon. I keep saying that but the days run away with me. ;(


  8. It has been so wonderful to get out and hear the leaves under my feet. It seems like they all began changing and falling within days… green one minute and then they just decided it was time to fall. I’ve noticed some folks have their fireplaces going in the last few days. I love rounding a corner and catching that whiff of wood smoke. It always reminds of the cabin my family used to have on a lake. Campfires and the old wood stove we used for heat.
    Lots of folks decorate for Halloween around here. Some of these people are very creative with their yards!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I too love the smell of wood fires. My lungs, not so much. Who knew it would be an issue. I’ve taken a few photos of Halloween decor and will post next time. We have leaves everywhere now but not quite crunchy. Mostly wet. I was happy to see the rain and many days have to walk in it if it’s not pouring. A little drizzle doesn’t hurt. Hope you are getting enough time to get out and walk, Deb, Thanks for the visit.

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  9. I have added walking to my daily routine! It’s good for me and for Boomer. We so need to move, now that we are both elderly! GOOD for you, Marlen!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Walking really does help so many things. I’ve started adding more days now that I’m done working on the outside of the house. Good for you and Boomer for doing walks but I think you already walk quite a bit. Elderly is a matter of the mind and I just don’t quite see you there. )

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  10. You look all cozy in your warm clothes, Marlene! Smoke from the fireplaces isn’t good for anyone to breathe in so wearing a mask is smart. Walking is healthy for both body and soul! Have a great week! 🙂

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  11. Fall is such a great time for walking, and I love looking at beautiful landscaping.

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    • It takes a lot of time each day that I could be doing other things but I wouldn’t be able to do the other things if I didn’t walk. 😉 I love looking at others landscaping too. Of course the leaves are covering a lot of it. Thanks for stopping by.

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  12. I normally like outdoor walks, but there’s so much construction around my area right now. I’ve been doing most of my walking on the treadmill in the exercise room of my apartment building. Not as much fun as outdoors, that’s for sure. I should probably get in the car and drive to the park for a walk…

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are right, Becky. The treadmill isn’t as much fun. I did that quite a bit last winter and may have to do it again later in the year. I prefer the mall before opening time with the other mall walkers. We go at a pretty fast clip and there is plenty to look at and piped in musak. Parks are a bit scary if you don’t have a partner to walk with. I have to walk to keep breathing so that’s my motivation. Thanks for stopping by, Becky

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  13. You totally put me to shame. I really need to get walking again. Too much sitting on the sofa and crafting is bad for me. Well done on all the purging, and enjoy your crafting now.

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    • Walking is good for the creative mind. Even a short one makes the brain work better. It’s no longer a choice for me so I walk, like it or not. 😉 I’m actually getting more done by walking. I’ll be able to show you soon. So much is going to be gifts. Have a good week, Cathy. Thanks for the visit.


  14. You’re pushing yourself hard, in lots of ways. The vigorous walking has to be so good for you–I try to walk or do yard work or go to the gym most days . . . but I don’t always succeed. You can be my inspiration! Your post reminds me, too, that our gutters need to be cleared. Ick. And I should be setting things aside to donate–why is that so hard to do?!?!?

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s all hard to do, Kerry! I was told the walking would help keep my lungs working longer and I have too much I want to do yet so I keep walking. 🙂 Giving away is hard too. I’m looking at things and ask myself, “do I have time left to do this?” If the answer is no, I let it go. Books are even harder but I’m making room for my sister here so more needs to go. I feel lighter after I get rid of stuff and pass it on. The gutters, YUCK!! No encouragement from me on that one. We get a LOT of rain in winter so it has to be done.Thanks for stopping by, Kerry. Today and tomorrow are hand sewing days so I get to sit with friends. I’ll walk later in the day. ;( Have a good week.


  15. It was good to see an update from you come across my email. You’ve accomplished an incredible amount of work this summer! I used to enjoy walking around my neighborhood, but I’ve gotten out of the habit. Thanks for sharing the pictures of the redneck limo. Does the thing actually run?

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  16. Good to read your post, Marlene. I need to do more walking, as it is good to the soul as well as the body. It feels good to purge and get things in order. Letting go of books is hard to do. I like your stepping stones. That crazy car is something else!

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    • You are right, Jennie. Walking is good for the soul as much as the body. Lifts the mood quickly. Letting go of books has been the hardest thing I’ve done. Fabric is so much easier but even that has been hard. It says I can’t do it all. But either I do it or my kids have to later. That car is just one of many that come in and out of their driveway but they are good people keeping their kids out of trouble by giving them something to do with their time. We sign a contract when we move in that there will be no auto repair in our driveways but these folks don’t care about the rules. I keep quiet because teens need things to do that are productive. I’m glad you liked the stepping stones. The entry was a bit ambiguous and I didn’t want anyone to fall trying not to step on the plants. They are made to step on but many don’t realize that. I redid the whole path with safety in mind. Have a great week, Jennie.

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      • Hats off to those parents. They’re definitely doing good things for their kids. My husband is the keeper and I am the purger. I think we have a loooong way to go to organize this house. But you have given me another perspective, reminding him that we either do it or our kids have it later. So true! It’s funny that people are afraid to step on your stepping stones. Have a good week, Marlene, and enjoy those walks!

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      • They were afraid to step on the ground cover even though they are step-able. The stepping stones give them a clearer path. Sorry I didn’t make that clear.

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      • Oh, I see! 🙂

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  17. You’re inspiring me to get out walking more! That and the big brown eyes of my canine companion. I was just thinking the other day that I need to try to get to 10K steps a day again…and it getting to be cold and wintry…oy vey. The cold and I are a little like oil and water: we don’t mix well. But perhaps I can shake things up and force some intermingling with the cold air and taking walks. Hehe.
    I’m always amazed at the amount of things you do: cleaning, gardening, going through moving boxes….you’re a trooper and you inspire me to try to do more around the house. 🙂
    In any case, I hope you’re doing well and sending you big hugs! xo

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    • I do what I can and let the rest go. These days I shoot for 7000 steps. The goal is 3 days of walking but of course, I have to beat my goals as much as possible. I have a hard time with the cold and wind but a harder time with the heat. I walk at 5;30 a.m in the summer. The walking has kept me off the need for oxygen so far so I’ll keep doing it. Those brown eyes really need the walk even more than you do. I would do 2 miles morning and night with my little Schatzie when she was alive. It’s harder walking alone now. I do miss her. I’m still behind with over 400 blogs waiting. ;( Sigh. Big hugs back to you.

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  18. Thank you for sharing your walks Marlene. Your observations are very cool … an enlightening. Keep being curious and get those lungs working 💕

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  19. Marlene, a wonderful narrative. I was walking right along with you up that hill. May I ask where you live? Must be US based on that car. ‘Purging’ is good. My wife says, ‘less is more’. But giving away books has to be tough. Keep on truckin’, it’s good for you.

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    • Thanks for stopping by, Steve and for your kind words. I’m in Oregon City, OR just outside Portland. Our snow here is mostly liquid. I have given away so much this last year but the books are really heartbreaking. I’m doing it in small doses. Fabric is easier and crafting materials went first. I’m trying to find good homes for things rather than just dump them. Silly, I know. I get good ideas when I walk so I will keep on trucking. 🙂 Have a good week.

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      • I remember, now, Oregon. I believe I asked last year. I’ll probably ask again next year. Our daughter lives in one of those apartment buildings in Portland and works in Camus, WA. I have a couple of nephews in the area. My brother lives there for most of his adult life, lives it because he was a great outdoorsman. We visited last year. Yes, Portland is weird…😂.

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      • Yes, Portland is weird and so are we. 😉 I love it here. My daughter lived in an old apartment building closer to down town but she is living with me now. At least your daughter is going the right way to and from work. The bridge is a nightmare at rush hour. I ask the same thing over and over too. 😉

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      • She likes it and it sure is pretty. It’s nice that you have yours living with you. Company is a good thing.

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  20. I am impressed by your walking achievements and your dedication to walking. Smoke in the air is something I can’t stand. It used to be a big problem in my neighborhood, until open fireplaces and certain log burners were banned in the city. My lungs breathed a sigh of relief.

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  21. I too like walking on fall days, with a light wind and the lovely rustling sound as they skitter across the walk. I’m so proud of you for sticking with your walk and making the best of your days. You always have so much going on. I’m delighted to see the fabric out and the quilting and sewing projects underway.

    Let’s get in a phone call soon.

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    • Thank you so much, Alys. I was thinking of your sister today as they were talking about power outages again. Sigh. Sticking with the walk, just not the diet. ;( Sewing is going fairly well, finally. Let me know when you have time for a chat. Your schedule is so much more full than mine though I seem to fill a day quite easily. 🙂 Love and hugs.


  22. Yes, I love autumn walks, and your walking is impressive!

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    • Thank you, Dr.French. You’ve been going into the spam bin that didn’t tell anyone was there. Now I’m soooo far behind. ;( I have less reading time because the walking is so essential. Thank you for stopping by.


  23. I do love walking in the fall, actually year round. The extra special part about fall is the leaves. I love scuffing my feet through them like a little kid! Thanks for sharing, Marlene! I hope you are completely enjoying this season! 🍁

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    • Thanks so much for the visit Missy. I enjoy every day and every moment. Summer is the hardest for me but I love it too. Watching the leaves fall is so special. Hope you are doing well.

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  24. Marlene, good job on the purging! And taking care of your health! You get five gold stars for all this! That neighbor has a great sense of humor. His car pretty much made my day. I haven’t gotten rid of my fabric scraps yet, but I have been making preparatory steps toward my project first!

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    • Thanks, Luanne. I have a tub full of scraps. Way too many projects at hand. I love seeing that car everyday. He’s always working on a car which keeps him out of trouble. Busy teenager don’t have time for trouble. The walks are getting later in the day now that it’s dark until almost eight and darn cold. I can wrap up against the cold but the dark is not an option for me. Anxious to see what you do with your scraps.

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      • Yes, I understand about the dark. It can be dangerous if you don’t see or balance well enough, for one (well, two) thing! Haha, I am getting anxious to truly get started, although the prep work is fun.

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  25. I’m always so impressed by your accounts, Marlene! All that sorting out is one hell of a job – I should do it too but always am too busy (or pretend to be😉). It’s good to see that you’re taking good care of yourself with walking uphill and bundling up. Those masks might not be the most fashionable of accessories but they’re important especially in this time of year. With all those people sneezing and coughing around me I’d love to wear one myself. 😉 And it looks like you and your daughter have come up with a system that works well for both of you. 😊 Keep well and take care!

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    • More is going all the time. I have to make room for my sister to come stay, possibly. I’m too old to care if I’m fashionable on my hikes up hills. I check air quality each day and today is moderate again which means a mask will be necessary. My daughter bought a whole box of them for me. Eat lots of garlic now to build your immune system so you don’t catch what’s going around. It’s helped me for years. Yes, my daughter and I do well together, most of the time. 😉 Have a great weekend and keep well too.

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      • Thank you for the tip about the garlic – I bought some fresh garlic and add it to almost any dish I cook now, tastes great and that it’s healthy makes it even better. 😀
        Have a wonderfilled day!

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  26. Loved this.. And well done Marlene for pushing yourself uphill.. And I cannot blame you at all for wearing a mask.. Chest infections are no joke…
    You weather sounds very similar to ours over Sept and Oct.. Such contrast days of Sunshine mild, then cold, and then we have had rain and more rain and floods.. Now we are having frosty starts with high winds and more rain..
    But I am a big believer in frost killing off the bugs/germs that fly around in damp weather..

    Wonderful you are still clearing out… I am using up some of my stockpile of wool as I went into my knitting frenzy and while absent from WP have knitted my daughter a fancy cardigan a snood and bobble hat… Now I am Knitting another sweater for myself..
    I also took time to paint and experiment with water colour pencils that I have had sitting in a new box for almost two years..

    The garden and allotment plot has more or less been put to bed, Dahlias dug out to be stored over winter along with begonias.. And I planted my Autumn front garden with colourful chrysanthemums, that have withstood the downpours of torrential rain..

    Keep enjoying the Autumn Sun, and colours Marlene.. I am off walking tomorrow in the woods as I have my Granddaughter all day in her inset day from school before she goes back after the school autumn break..

    Love and Hugs my dear friend.. Loved catching up with your news.. ❤
    Much love ❤

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    • Sounds like your weather is a bit more soggy than ours. It’s cold in the mornings but warms up during the day. Dry for another week. Glad you are getting back to painting and knitting. The mask is for smoke in the air. Lots of fires in fireplaces this time of year and the smoke settles in the Hollow. Fires in Calif bring smoke up as well. Enjoy your grand daughter time. Love and hugs. m

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  27. I’ve finally been home long enough to start catching up on blogs again! This is a great one from you. What a rockstar to get outside walking so much. I’m supposed to be walking all the time, to train for my Hood To Coast race, but I’m not going even close to as often as you. I admire your tenacity so much, and to intentionally tackle hills.

    That redneck limo is a hoot! I agree with you: it might be an eyesore, but it’s keeping somebody’s mind busy and I think it’s a great entrepreneurial idea for someone with very little investment capital. Glad your kids are keeping you off the roof! But I agree that I’d rather clean gutters than do the dishes. Bluh. Vacuuming is the worst of all. I recently joked with my friend Will that I’d clean his gutters all year if he would vacuum for me.

    When you say what an intimate look you get of your neighborhood when walking instead of driving, I can totally relate. I have this loop I take from my house, and I love the sights along the way, and I love watching how it changes over time. Then when I drive through, I glace from side to side, and I KNOW those places. It’s pretty cool.

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    • It’s funny, but I don’t mind any chore. I call them meditation time. I walk because it’s keeping the lungs working so the choice is nil. I often get to talk to people in the neighborhood I would normally not meet and some asked about the mask I have to wear when the air is bad or too cold. Today will be a later walk. When it warms up to just cold. 😉 I love noticing new things on my walks but haven’t been going as far as a couple of years ago. Time is always a factor. I’m sure you have similar issues. Keep warm, Crystal.

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      • It’s hard to keep warm these last couple days. It was 23 degrees when I got up. I know it gets colder other places, so I feel like a sissy, but I have spent all morning just trying to get warm! I hope you are warm enough. ❤

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      • It was 30 here so I won’t complain. I dress warm and move fast when it’s cold. Thermostat is at my high of 68 for the days I’m in all day. Most of the time it’s at 65. Poor daughter and company. My sister froze on Thanksgiving. My trailer is better insulated than most.

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